Note: This is a printed version of Please visit this page on the ISC website to ensure you're referencing the most current information.
Benefits FAQs for New/Newly-Eligible Employees
Insurance benefits generally begin on the 1st of the following month. However, if an eligible appointment begins on the first business or calendar day of the month, coverage begins on that day.
You will receive your insurance cards within 2 to 3 weeks of when your enrollment is processed or after your coverage effective date, whichever is later.
Your health plan(s) will send you an ID card to the home address you’ve specified in Workday. If you have any questions about your ID card, contact your health plan directly.
Note that, while the Uniform Dental Plan (PPO) does not send ID cards, they may be downloaded from the plan website.
Contact the plan provider when you have questions about:
- Benefit details (including Rx coverage)
- Finding a doctor or dentist
- ID cards
- Copayments, coinsurance, deductibles, or claims
- Health plan complaints or appeals
- Using the plan’s website
You can waive your medical coverage as part of the benefits enrollment process in Workday; you have 31 days following your eligibility date to do so.*
Things to keep in mind about waiving your medical coverage:
- You can waive your PEBB medical coverage as long as you’re already enrolled in other comprehensive group medical coverage.
- If you waive PEBB medical coverage for yourself, you cannot enroll your spouse, children, or other dependents in PEBB medical coverage.
- You cannot be covered as both a dependent and an employee on PEBB plans. If you are currently covered as a dependent for PEBB coverage, contact UWHR Benefits for assistance with your enrollment options.
- You cannot waive your PEBB dental coverage, which is provided at no cost to you; however, you can waive dental coverage for your dependents, however.
To successfully waive (decline) medical coverage, refer to the Benefits – Enrollment – PEBB Health and Other Insurance Plans User Guide. As part of the process described there, you will need to make ALL of the selections below in Workday:
- Within the Medical tile (step 4 of the User Guide):
- On the Plans Available screen, select PEBB Decline Medical Coverage
- Select the Confirm and Continue button at the bottom of the screen
- On the next screen, in the Coverage field, select Not Applicable. I am declining medical coverage
- Select the Save button.
- Within the Spousal or SRDP (Partner) Surcharge tile (step 9 of the User Guide):
- On the Plans Available screen, select the Confirm and Continue button; the Select choice will be selected – do not change this setting
- On the next screen, in the Coverage field, select Not Applicable. I am declining medical coverage
- Select the Save button.
- Within the Tobacco tile (step 14 of the User Guide):
- On the Plans Available screen, select the Confirm and Continue button; the Select choice will be selected – do not change this setting
- On the next screen, in the Coverage field, select Not Applicable. I am declining medical coverage
- Select the Save button.
After making the above selections in Workday, we strongly recommend you follow the remaining steps of the User Guide – especially step 24 and beyond – to ensure your requested changes are correctly submitted for review and processing.
*If you are past your initial 31 day eligibility window, you can waive PEBB medical coverage as part of a Life Event or during Open Enrollment, provided you’re already enrolled in other comprehensive group medical coverage.
In certain situations, you may be subject to additional monthly charges (“surcharges”):
- If you or your covered dependent use tobacco, you are subject to the HCA’s Tobacco Use Surcharge each month.
- If your spouse/partner declines other medical coverage, you may be subject to the HCA’s $50 Spousal Coverage Surcharge each month.
Your benefits are managed both by the UW and by Washington state agencies:
- The University of Washington administers eligibility for all the health plans and retirement plans.
- The UW Board of Regents govern the UW Retirement Plan (UWRP) and the UW Voluntary Investment Program (VIP). The retirement plan administrator for UWRP and the VIP is Fidelity Investments.
- The Washington State Health Care Authority (HCA) governs the Public Employees Benefits Board (PEBB), which in turn provides health and other insurance plans (life, long-term disability) to PEBB-benefits eligible UW employees.
Note that the UW governs the Graduate Student Health Insurance plan (GAIP), as authorized by the state legislature. - The Public Employees Benefits Board (PEBB) is appointed by the governor and determines benefit plan policy, makes plan recommendations, approves plan designs, and generally determines what plans are offered to state employees.
- The Washington State Department of Retirement Systems (DRS) administers State retirement plans, such as PERS, TRS, LEOFF, and the Deferred Compensation Plan (DCP).