Note: This is a printed version of Please visit this page on the ISC website to ensure you're referencing the most current information.
Changing Your Benefits
Most benefit elections* can be changed under a particular set of circumstances, or at a given point in time. If you are currently enrolled in PEBB benefits, select a link below to learn more.
(If you are new to the UW or are starting in a benefits-eligible position, please visit the New/Newly-Eligible Employees: Enrolling in Benefits – Start Here! page instead.)
Life Events
You can change your medical, dental, and/or vision coverage following a child’s birth or adoption, a marriage or domestic partnership, moving to a different zip code, and more.
Open Enrollment
Open Enrollment is a once-a-year opportunity for PEBB benefits-eligible employees to enroll in or make changes to their medical, dental, or vision plan elections in Workday. The next opportunity for Open Enrollment will be starting in late October, 2025.
Changes You Can Make Year-Round
Some changes can be made year-round, such as changing your Tobacco Use attestation, starting/stopping/changing HSA contributions, or enrolling in optional insurance/retirement plans.
*Your choice of primary retirement plan cannot be changed. If you meet the eligibility criteria, you must participate in a retirement plan as a condition of employment.